Device Commands
311 Momentarily Unlock Door Command
This is how the 311 command should be used to momentarily unlock a door:
311 CA RN
CA = Controller address that the lock's associated reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
RN = Reader Number of the reader that is associated to the door lock and can be a value from 0 to 63 and calculated by the following formula where SCA is the sub-controller address and A is the device address of the Reader as printed on the board: RN = 2 * SCA + (A-1).
311 0 0
In this example we are telling controller 0 to momentarily unlock the door lock associated with the first reader on sub-controller 0.
310 Door Held Open Mask/UnMask
This is how the 310 command should be used to mask/unmask Door Held Open alarms:
CA = Controller address that the door contact's associated reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
RN = Reader Number of the reader that is associated to the door contact and can be a value from 0 to 63 and calculated by the following formula where SCA is the sub-controller address and A is the device address of the Reader as printed on the board: RN = 2 * SCA + (A-1). CMD = 1 will set mask for door held open alarms and 0 will unmask door held open alarms. 310 0 2 1 In the example above we are telling controller 0 to mask the door held open event at the door contact associated with the first reader on sub-controller 1.
309 Door Forced Open Mask/UnMask
This is how the 309 command should be used to mask/unmask Door Forced Open alarms:
CA = Controller address that the door contact's associated reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
RN = Reader Number of the reader that is associated to the door contact and can be a value from 0 to 63 and calculated by the following formula where SCA is the sub-controller address and A is the device address of the Reader as printed on the board: RN = 2 * SCA + (A-1).
CMD = 1 will set mask for door forced open alarms and 0 will unmask door forced open alarms.
309 0 0 1
In the example above we are telling controller 0 to mask the door forced open event at the door contact associated with the first reader on sub-controller 0.
308 Reader Mode Command
This is how the 308 command should be used to change the mode of a reader:
308 CA RN RM
CA = Controller address that the reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
RN = Reader Number from 0 to 63 and calculated by the following formula where SCA is the sub-controller address and A is the device address of the Reader as printed on the board: RN = 2 * SCA + (A-1).
RM = Reader Mode: 1-Disabled, 2-Unlock, 3-Lock (Allow REX), 4-Correct Facility Code Required, 5-Card Only, 6-PIN Only, 7-Card and PIN, 8-Card or PIN 308 0 0 2 In this example we are telling controller 0 to change reader address 1 on sub-controller 0 to reader mode 2 (Unlock). Below is a list of commands to unlock the first 6 readers on Controller 4:
308 4 0 2
308 4 1 2
308 4 2 2
308 4 3 2
308 4 4 2
308 4 5 2
307 Control Point Command
This is how the 307 command should be used to change the state of a control point:
307 CA ON OM 1 1 1
CA = Controller address that the reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
SCA = Sub-Controller address that the reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 31.
ON = Output Number from 0 to 511 and calculated by the following formula where SCA is the sub-controller address (0-31) and A is the device address of the Output (1-16) as printed on the board:
ON = 16 * SCA + A.
OM = Output Mode: 1- Deactivate, 2-Activate
Here's an example of the command line:
307 4 1 2 1 1 1
In the example above we are telling controller 4 to activate the second output on sub-controller 0. The three one's appended to the end of the command are used for repeating output pulses and only supported with Mercury hardware. The first of the 3 parameters represents the on time in ms, the second parameter is the off time in ms, and the third parameter is the number of times the output will repeat the toggle cycle.
307 Door Strike Command (VertX/Edge only)
This is how the 307 command should be used to change the state of a door strike:
CA = Controller address that the reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
SCA = Sub-Controller address that the reader is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 31.
DN = Door Number identifies which of the 2 door strikes on the sub-controller will get affected by the command. 0 or 16 are the only 2 choices for this field where 0 is the first Door Strike, and 16 is the second Door Strike.
DSM = Door Strike Mode: 0-Locked, 1-Unlock, 2-Momentary Unlock
Here's an example of the command line:
307 4 0 16 2
In the example above we are telling controller 4 to momentarily unlock the second door strike on sub-controller 0. Below is a list of commands to unlock the first 6 doors (sub-controllers 0, 1, and 2) on Controller 4:
307 4 0 0 1
307 4 0 16 1
307 4 1 0 1
307 4 1 16 1
307 4 2 0 1
307 4 2 16 1
306 Monitor Point Command
This is how the 306 command should be used to change the state of an input:
306 CA IN cmd
CA = Controller address that the input is connected to. This can be a number from 0 to 255.
IN = Input Number from 0 to 511 and calculated by the following formula where SCA is the sub-controller address (0-31) and A is the device address of the Input (1-16) as printed on the board:
IN = 16 * SCA + A.
cmd = 0 is arm and 1 is disarm monitor point. Here's an example of the command line: 306 4 0 16 1 In the example above we are telling controller 4 to disarm the 1st monitor point on sub-controller 1.